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Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps

Jones Beach ● Robert Moses ● Sunken Meadow ● Heckscher ● Wildwood ● Orient Point ● Hither Hills ● Montauk Downs

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JBLC Inter-Beach Races 2018

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JBLC Inter-Beach Races 2018
Friday, August 3 at EBHO – 6PM
4 Person Run-Swim-Run Relay
1 Person Line Pull
Beach Run
2 Person Line Pull
4 Person Paddle Relay
8 Person Ocean Relay

Saturday, August 4th at WBHO/P– 6PM
Taplain Relay
4 Person Kayak Relay
8 Person Run Relay
100-yard Pool Swim
8 Person Swim Relay
Beach Flags

NEW TO 2018
Return of the Taplain Relay & Kayak Relay
Return of traditional JBLC line pull rules
New relay events to increase participation
Updated scoring system
Don’t want to compete? Earn points by volunteering to help!

Message from Bruce Meirowitz, President NYSLC

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To My Fellow Members of the New York state Lifeguard Corps.
It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that will not be seeking election as the President of the New York State Lifeguard Corps in 2018.
Back in 1970, I set out to be part of a great bargaining unit. One who sought fairness and open communication, and was willing to walk the picket line to fulfill its goal. This was the driving force projecting me into a position of leadership and working to create a stronger better long lasting union.
The alliance we forged with UUP/ NYSUT leveraged our efforts from the past to victory for NYSLC; we stood strong to settle two contracts; received retroactive pay from 9 years owed; and transitioned from an adversarial relationship to a productive one. It has been an honor to watch this organization flourish.
To participate in the birth of the New York State Lifeguard Corps has been a lifelong goal and privilege. A gift some will never get to experience.
Before us stands a tremendous challenge as organized labor across America awaits a potentially devastating decision by the Supreme Court. We must maintain solidarity and battle through these trying times, we will not be silenced. Like Lifeguarding, failure is not an option.
In the battle for our very existence, Labor Unions will need skilled leaders with established relationships from Montauk to Niagara Falls. Our champion must know their way around Albany and the UUP. We have leaders among our ranks and I encourage you to seek those who are well suited to pick up the responsibilities that will face us and offer them your wholehearted endorsement and support. I have confidence in them and in each of you.
Thank you all for your support and trust. Thank you for sticking through those tough times, for walking the demonstration lines, for speaking up and out at meetings, and for believing that we would accomplish and fulfill this awesome vision. Every executive board I have worked with, and pledged my loyalty to, for the past 50 years, has contributed to where we are today. Thank you all.
And now, It is time for me to step aside; to sit the Wingstands, bring Grand-kids to the ocean and watch this all continue.
In Solidarity
Bruce Meirowitz
New York state lifeguard Corps President
Lifeguards for Life, Class of 1968

Seniority List 2018

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Seniority List 2018  -  http://jblc.net/pdf/seniority2018.pdf

Draft 2018 - Saturday, June 2nd @ 6pm, WEII Concession



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