Send a message to Governor Patterson.
Join our rally. Saturday, May 2nd 2009
Central Mall Boardwalk
Jones Beach Parking Field 4
1pm - 4pm
Our Beaches ♥ Our Shores ♥ Our Long Island
Sponsored by New York State United Teachers,United University Professionals
and the Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps
President- Tom Donovan
1st Vice President- Bruce Meriowitz
2nd Vice President- Dennis Kane
Recording Secretary- Don Campbell
JB Trustee- Cary Epstein
RM Trustee- Jim Dirico
East End Trustee- Nick Athenas
Treasurer- Rob Corrnachia
Trustee At Large- Matt Lindbom
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Comments (1)
Keep our beaches open!
written by Chuck, April 30, 2009
written by Chuck, April 30, 2009
I understand there are severe state/state parks budgetary pressures, but ... our PUBLIC beaches are one of the last refuges of the weary... ;-) Seriously, our LI beaches are really a treasure, and actually quite unique in the world, w/r/t being them being so nice AND so close to one of the world's largest/most populated metro areas.
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