New Contact for Junior Lifeguards: For more information a new JBLC Junior Lifeguard Facebook Page has been created:
" All New Jones Beach Junior Lifeguard tryouts are being held on Saturday June 28, 2014 @ 7:30 am, first heat for 100 yard freestyle is @ 8:00 am. This is the ONLY date of the test. The FASTEST times will be given a spot. In the other age groups if there are openings the fastest times that pass the test will be awarded a spot in the program."
"The $50.00 payment for the Junior Lifeguard Program for the 2014 season should be in the form of a check. This is for record keeping purposes. "
At this present time, I am awaiting for the paperwork from the state that all of the previous junior lifeguard parents must fill out and sign. I have tried to make contact through phone and emails. If and only I can secure the paperwork by tomorrow, Thursday, we may start sign ups by this weekend, Sunday.
I spoke with the Jones Beach State Park Superintendent today about the pool and new hire test. All new prospective Junior Lifeguard candidates will need to take the 100-yard swim test on Saturday June 28, 2014, at 8 a.m. sharp. The guidelines for this test are the same as the Jones Beach Lifeguard Test, which are; the fastest times will get the position.
Here is an example; if the 12 year olds have six openings then the six fastest times will be in the program. If the 13 year olds have no openings, then no new children will be selected. This will be the same for each age group.
Lastly, I am at work daily at the beach and my computer time is at a minimum in the morning and night. My cell reception is not good at Robert Moses State Park, therefore, keep in touch with to understand the steps to take for the summer of 2014 Junior Lifeguards at Jones Beach, opening date is Sunday June 29, 2014 at 7:30 a.m.
Thank you,
G. Jay Liegey
Jones Beach Junior Lifeguard will start on June 29, 2014 till August 6, 2014. The tryouts for 10 year olds will be at the West Bath pool (outdoors) after the pool gets filled, anytime between June 15-28, 2014. For the 10 year olds it's the top 20-25 kids with the best hundred that goes for all other age groups if we open it up to 5 in each age group top 5 hundreds .
Dennis Angermaier Scholarship Application Click Here
Run-Swim-Run Relay Race Entry
click here for comp team info
Sunday, June tba , 2014, 8:00AM at the East Bathhouse Ocean Front.
This will hold your spot for the 2014 season.
Sign up for children previously in the 2013 program ONLY.
You must make this day in order to keep your spot in the program for 2013.
There will be no exceptions to this unless I am notified well in advance. - More info and tryouts will follow for all new children and the amount of openings will be posted after all children in program from last year sign up. Please pass this information on to all Juniors..
Try outs for incoming 10 year olds will also be Sunday, June tbath, 2014, 8:00 am at the West Bathhouse pool.
There will be 20 entry level spots available for the 10 year old group.
Birth certificates will be required for all 10 year old children when trying out.
The registration fee will be $100 from all who qualify. Please have your cash or checks on the date of tryouts payable to “Natural Heritage Trust” - Click here for bathing suit order form
Program Information:
- The sessions will run each Sunday from 8:00 am - 10:00 am starting Sunday, June 30th through Sunday, August 4th at the East Bathhouse pool.
Tentative dates:
Sunday, June tba 8:00 am - First Day of Program at the East Bathhouse Ocean
Tuesday, July 15 - Junior Lifeguard Tournament at Jones Beach: at the East Bathhouse Ocean
Junior Lifeguard Regional Championships July 23rd in Sea Girt, NJ and the USLA Junior National Lifeguard Championships August 6th in Virginia Beach, Virginia. -
Sunday, August tba - Last Day of Program
We are looking for any type of sponsorship for the program and the Jones Beach Tournament. Company logos can be printed on any one of our issued uniform pieces.
Any questions can be directed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
We urge all the children to keep practicing now and throughout the year. Thank you for your continued support.
These guidelines were formed by the Junior Lifeguard Staff for the 2014 season.