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Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps
Retro Pay is due in August
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Post Retro Pay is due in August Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:21 am
Tom Donovan
Dear Members,

The Office of the State Comptroller Payroll Services has confirmed an August payout on the retro and raises. Exact check date will be determined shortly, and any additional information will get sent out via email when confirmed.

This is an unacceptable timeline from ratification to payout, and the following things have been done to date:

a. Letter to the Director of the Division of Budget to issue the necessary Budget Bulletin

b. Letter to the Comptroller asking for his assistance in speeding up the payout

c. Discussion of a grievance with UUP

d. Discussion of a letter to the DOB and OSC from UUP President Fred Kowal

e. Discussion with NYSUT Legislative Director about addressing future contracts

This is the result of bureaucratic incompetence in DOB, we are under their purview and could not get the necessary Budget Bulletin establishing our new wages until they acted. We will be requesting specific language changes in the next contract to help address this issue.

It is important to remember that anyone who worked Summer 2018 will be getting this retro, regardless of their employment status this season. I will email again with any new and updated information.



The Honorable Thomas P. DiNapoli

New York State Comptroller

110 State Street

Albany, NY 12236

2 May 2019

Comptroller DiNapoli;

As the President of the New York State Lifeguard Corps, I am writing to express my concerns over the implementation of the raises and retroactive payments found in Appendix B of the UUP contract covering 2016 - 2022. These negotiated monies affect approximately 1,100 lifeguards who work for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historical Preservation, and the Department of Environmental Protection. Pursuant to the collectively bargained agreement ratified by the UUP membership on September 5, 2018, the membership was contractually entitled to raises of 2% for the fiscal years starting April 1, 2016; 2017; and 2018. An additional 2% raise was scheduled for April 1, 2019.

On March 18, 2019 with D-1139 being published, the Division of the Budget finally established the new wages for the seasonal lifeguards represented by UUP. This process should have started on September 6th, the day after the ratification of the agreement by the UUP membership, yet took over six months to implement. The DOB, communicating through GOER kept promising the bulletin would be issued quickly, yet it took four and half months of work finally culminating in a letter from myself to Director Mujica on March 11th, 2019 imploring him to move the process along. At this juncture, we are a month and a half past the issuance of D-1139 and have been told by Payroll Services that we cannot expect to see our wage increases and retro until August.

The membership has been waiting for over eight months as of the writing of this letter for any news of what has been owed to them for three summers of working under an expired collective bargaining agreement. The delay in reaching a final contractual agreement was understandable, however, the continued delays in being paid what is rightfully owed to them has begun to seem like they are being targeted for intentional harassment. The annual UUP employees have had three separate payroll bulletins issued in less time than it took DOB to calculate and publish the wages for the lifeguards. In payroll bulletins 264, 266, and 267 the rest of UUP has been given: a $600.00 lump sum payment, 50% of the retro for 2016 and 2017, and the raises and retro payments for 2018.

As we approach the beginning of yet another season without pay raises, the membership asks for your intervention to speed up the process of issuing the payroll bulletin and ensuring they will receive the appropriate wage at the beginning of the summer season. Roughly 1,100 lifeguards provide excellent customer service for each and every patron who comes to the myriad New York State parks in order to enjoy the summer weather with family and friends. We have an unparalleled reputation of excellence in sending these patrons home with their friends and family at the end of the day.

We are college students, graduates looking for first jobs, teachers, police officers, firefighters, as well as professional workers who commit ourselves to serve the people of New York. In return, we ask for what has been promised to us at the negotiating table and thus far unreasonably withheld. While we avail ourselves to the only process we have to help procure the promises made, we would welcome the opportunity to engage in discussions with you to move towards a speedier resolution to the issue we have presented to you.


Ryan P. Clark

President, New York State Lifeguard Corps
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