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Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps
2015 Tunnel to Towers Wrap Up
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Post 2015 Tunnel to Towers Wrap Up Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:46 pm
Tom Donovan

Congratulations to all those individuals who represented the Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps at the 2015 Tunnel to Towers 5K event in New York City on September 27th. From the original group of three who ran in the event five years ago the team has grown to over SIXTY participants and we encourage more to join in the event next year. This year we held our second fundraiser at the Scuttlebutt Tavern (Thank you to our hosts, Paul Lundwall and family) during which $1,500 was raised for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation/ Wounded Warrior Project. In the end the team raised a total of $3172……..As such, a huge THANK YOU goes out to all those who donated to this valuable cause. The weather was perfect and as always, the event was memorable…..just ask anyone who participated, especially those who were there for the first time! The commemorative tee shirts were a great success and will certainly be a large part of the fundraising efforts for next year. Please reserve the date now; Sunday, September 25 for the 2016 Tunnel to Towers 5K Event…….it will be an experience you will remember forever. Join us (BRING SOMEONE WITH YOU) and be part of the tradition that is the Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps.
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