Laguna Fins
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I just purchased a pair of Laguna Fins which I had come across out at RM #5. They're put out by a company in California run by John Joseph. They retail for about $60 a pair but Mr Joseph offered them to me as a Jones Beach Lifeguard for $35 a pair. You can view his website at <http://www.lagunafin.com> . He told me his company normally deals directly with distributors, but he'll sell and ship individually to lifeguards. If your interested you can contact him at the # on his website. There is a sizing chart there, and he was very good at giving me info on the fins. They are a hard plastic body with a neoprememe booty that is stitched in using some strong nylon webbing. The pair I saw at RM 35 was yellow and over 4 years old. He told me I could put out the offer to the JBLC.
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I have been through 4 pair of those fins in the last 3 years.Worn consistently the stitching on the top of the fin will not last very long so buyer beware.I have dealt w/ John Joseph numeruos times and told that the stitching problem would be resolved.but to no avail.Try Tech fins or Tech 2 fins.Just as comfortable with a lot more thrust.Another helpful website for fins is www.ebodyboarding.com..
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